Green XL Think Green go Green
Green XL Horse
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Orange Brush
Cleaning brushes for your barn
OrangeBrush is a premium line of non-food brushes and is made from recycled material. Both the plastic and the fibers consist of up to 80% recycled material. With OrangeBrush you meet all modern requirements in the field of sustainability, user comfort, safety and efficiency.
E- Spray
Unlike trigger sprayers, no continuous effort is required
when pressing the trigger. There is
also no need to manually inflate . A light push on the
control button is enough to activate the spraying.
What is our mission
Green XL's mission is to provide high-quality probiotics. The quality is guaranteed, because Green XL develops products based on the latest insights that our professionals have and receive in the field of probiotics. The Green XL products meet the highest quality requirements in your field or for your application. A unique combination of bacterial strains is selected for each probiotic to guarantee the highest quality.